
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Coo coo ca-choo

Greetings from cyberspace. It’s your friend Pamela. You haven’t heard from me in awhile cause things have been pretty quiet for me on the SOS front. I know it’s important to make time for trouble, and trust me I see the validity of this, but I’ve just had some other things on the agenda occupying my time.

Instead of regaling you with tales of my other extra curricular activities, I thought I would share some thoughts of a different kind. Actually, it was Monica’s mention of Mrs. Robinson in a previous post that sparked my attention. I’m not sure if everyone has seen The Graduate, but surely you’re all familiar with the reference to Mrs. Robinson. You know – hot older woman seducing the younger man. It brought me back years ago to when I watched the film. And fell in love. Not with a young (and extremely awkward/European speedo-wearing) Dustin Hoffman, nay, with Mrs. R herself. I’m not talking romantic love. The other kind. The kind that doesn’t make you do crazy stuff and cut into your drinking or sleeping with other people. Moving on…

When I finished watching this movie I remember thinking she was the coolest person ever. And then I wondered if I should be concerned that I didn’t quite get the moral of the story and instead found it rather inspirational. So without further adieu, Pros and Cons to being Mrs. Robinson.

Pros :)

1. You’re super hot with a great bod.
2. You get to wear beautiful clothing and be impossibly chic.
3. You’re in your 40’s and your lover is 21. And ever the respectful lover, he calls you Mrs.Robinson.
4. Sweet house.
5. You can drink. A lot. And really hold your liquor.
6. You have a cameo in George Michael’s Too Funky song. See #7.
7. You get to use really great lines with a coolness in your delivery that wouldn’t work for just anybody. Such as “Would you like me to seduce you? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?”
8. You do ballsy things like get naked and lock yourself in rooms with people and proposition them. Now that is confidence.
9. Your husband is away a lot.
10. Simon and Garfunkel write a song all about you.
11. Jesus loves you more than will know.

Cons :(

1. You are an adulterer.
2. Adultering with your daughter's boyfriend.
3. Which makes her hate you.
4. “Alcoholic”
5. Among some social circles consider a “bad friend” because you are bedding your friends’ kid.

Well huh when you write it all down it ain’t actually all that bad. I think I’ll still borrow some of her Pros. Hers are some pretty tall stilettos to fill - if I'm going to be stripping down in broad daylight and propositing men I better get working on my fitness!

1 comment:

  1. what a well articulated debate, Pam - much appreciated!! LOL

    Cassie x
