
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

We just caught you ridin' dirty...

No way dude cause you're ridin' dirty

Is it Friday yet? Sure feels like it. Gotta love shorter weeks. Deadlines are a little trickier to meet but it all just evens out when you’re making a mad dash from the office to be anywhere BUT there.

Could you tell I was indulging in a beverage or two when I blogged Friday night? Perhaps you noticed I was a little more eloquent. And a little more… angry. Little did I know how much more was going to hit the fan with the whole G20 weekend. All the Becker’s are safe and accounted for so we’re all good.

Our pub crawl Friday night was a double edged sword. It was great to be able to walk right in at any time to places that usually the line up would be too intense to even consider. In turn, some places we turned around and walked right out since it was deadsville. Even though it’s all about the company you keep – and we are fantastic company – but we can drink alone at any one of our places for not only a lot cheaper, but with a whole heck of a lot less judgement.

Scored myself a few modest points by giving out my number to three different gentlemen (at the same venue – two when we were there the first time, and the third when Gwen and I returned later) and a quick PG makeout. Some of the Beckers started a little earlier on the bottle that day than others, so when Gwen and I bid adieu to Cassie, Monica, Alex and another guest who had decided enough was enough, we started our trit trot down the street to go back to a venue that we were at earlier that was pretty fun. Mid-way there was a cab with three gentleman that passed us by and they were looking pretty good, so we invited them to join us. Read: there was screaming involved. They let us know where they were going, to which we replied “that place is for douchebags, so see ya!” Fast forward to a few moments later as Gwen and I were continuing down the street, the guys were behind us trying to catch up and identifying themselves as “the douchebags – wait up!” They were Brazilian and cut a nice silhouette from afar. Were they as attractive standing infront of us as from the cab? No, but the wheels were already in motion so you just have to roll with it. When we arrived I spotted one of the gentlemen from earlier on that evening and when we started talking again, the clingiest of our entourage quickly put the kibosh on that by slipping his arms around me. Thanks for the block dude, thanks for the block. My number pretty much just deleted itself from his phone. Ah well.

Gwen and I continued to somewhat enjoy (put up with?) the attention from the gentlemen. My clinger was as Gwen would put it, acting like an octopus so since his face was already in mine I decided I might as well. That was short lived cause next thing I know Gwen points to her ring finger and then points to his and gives the all-call. Oh hell no! I don’t care that your girlfriend is back in Brazil. Homey don’t play that, so we shut that party down real fast. G and I surveyed the rest of the scene and then decided to leave for home. Which happened all on foot since the streetcars just weren’t coming. But to entertain ourselves we stopped at every single group of police officers along the way (G20 – there were a lot). Some seemed pleased to chat, others clearly were a few years away from retirement, were angry and just don’t interact with civilians…

A fun night that ended with some unexpected exercise a pied and a Rabba visit instead of Sobey’s… but hey, amongst other things us Beckers are very flexible.

Happy Canada Day!


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sights from the TTC

Spain versus Portugal

just can not watch this game in the office.....

Quick poll...

What are our views on a guy shaving his chest??

a) hot! lets see those abs baby!

b) only ok if required by profession (model, swimmer, etc)

c) maybe ok, if the alternative is a sasquatch

d) never ok, I prefer sweater vests

Keeping Fit

Top of the Morning to you,

Well, I met my goal for last week, and broke into the 200 level of this game! I sense some of the other girls are coming up fast behind me, so I should enjoy the lead while it is still in my hands.

After my adventure last night with Gemma I thought today I would focus on keeping fit, and some of the efforts the Beckers are making to achieve our health goals.

So here we are, edging on mid-season, and some of the Beckers have put a recent focus on getting healthy. What is the motivation? Training for September playoffs? Planning to rack up more points over the next couple months and believe a hot bod will help that goal? Bikini season here....and maybe we'd like to look like this?:

Efforts to date:
  • Recently Pam became a member at the same fitness club I go to, and we are trying to find a day or 2 a week to meet up for some Becker bonding while calorie burning.
  • Meanwhile Gemma and I met for our first outdoor "Boot Camp" class last night, which means some burning muscles today and no heavy lifting for a couple week Chelsea and Cassie are planning to join the class as well, so we can stumble around the park together in an effort to tone these active bodies.
  • Our fair Brooke plays soccer as her fitness activity of choice, which I plan to get back into come the fall.
  • Many of the girls enjoy running/jogging......and my text messages tell me Chelsea has even ventured into the world of running with the lastest member of her fan club, 'White Shirt'.
  • Like every female in Toronto (it seems) we all dabble in yoga/pilates classes.
MOST Importantly......The one activity every Becker is proud to be doing, that not only burns calories but has multiple health benefits.....yep, you guessed it......S-E-X !!

Research (and experience) tells me the workout between the sheets is a great stress reliever, calorie burner, flexibility increaser, promoter of good rest and of course promoter of good moods!

I thnk we can all agree that Hal Johnson and Joanne McLeod (seen in picture above) would approve of the Becker's ambition to "Keep Fit and Have Fun".

Here's wishing you lots of safe & fun exercise this summer,


Monday, June 28, 2010

Week 11 standings

Its been a doozy folks! With some heavy recycling, NFLD points being reported and new batters being introduced to the line up this is one of our highest scoring weeks yet!

  • Monica is still on top, and has broken the two hundred mark! She lands at 208 points after some "I missed you so much" recycling with Beer following a week long hiatus while she was out east.
  • The recycling theme continues with Chelsea... a whole lot of White Shirt action has her at 157 points.
  • Our fair Pamela was working the crowd on Friday night to get her to a cool 156 points.
  • Look out world, Brooke has arrived! Thanks to her antics in NFLD, and heavy recycling with the Brit upon her return, she's finished the week at 147 points.

  • Next up, Cassie has joined the century club this week (100 pts +) following some action with GL and New Guy. She's at 125 points.

  • Gwen did her part to welcome the Brazilian delegates (probably not part of G20, but lets roll with it) on Friday night, taking her to 97 points for the week.
  • Victoria remains at 75 points for this week. Will she jump on the recycling bandwagon for next week??
  • Hot Spur has been helping Alex climb the charts. She's at 56 points for the week.

  • Gemma avoided the riots this weekend by spending some time with family. We're all relieved that there were no points earned :) She remains at 21 points.

Can they keep it up folks? I certainly hope so!!


Cassie x

Ain't nothing gonna break my stride...

Quick update from Cassie on this hazy Monday morning.

Great weekend all around for this Becker. I was not about to let some crazy protesters or torrential downpours get in my way, let me tell ya!

Friday night was the much anticipated SOS pub crawl. Monica and I kicked things off a little early out on a King West patio, and then were joined by Alex, Pamela, Gwen and two SOS supporters back at my place. Some quick ‘force-blogging’ for Alex ;-) and numerous bevvies later, we take it to the streets of Toronto. King West was quieter than usual, but that didn’t stop us from having a good time and acquiring some points along the way!

Saturday I went to help out with my nieces’ birthday party. Nothing like 20 screaming 6/8 year olds to cure a hangover! Headed back home for a power nap before entertaining the Giant Loser for the evening. Seems this guy’s expiration date keeps moving up… he’s going to Oxford in the fall - start date is October, moving day was September, and now August... next thing you know he’ll tell me he’s leaving tomorrow. I get the hint buddy. This may have been the final recycle.

No worries though, not ready to settle for a break in the line up, I have been talking to an interesting gentleman that we’ll call New Guy for now. New Guy and I have been having some great, and all-day-long texting sessions. He is super fun. We had made plans to meet up tonight (Monday) for dinner at his place, but before I knew it we had bumped up the Monday night date to last night! He is a good looking dude, and had a nice place too! New guy made me dinner, and was rewarded with a HR. I am hoping for more recycling here.

New guy also helped me reach a new personal milestone. Chelsea – you and I are sharing a cake!

Until next time,
Cass x

p.s. muscial accompaniment on this Monday morning...

Friday, June 25, 2010

G20 you suck and I hate you

You move in on my territory at work & freak us all out, forcing me to work from home today in which I had to call my IT guy this morning on the designated number (aka his cell, which he sounded like he was at a party. Not happy when he had to talk work stuff. Therefore not helpful worth $hit. That is why the second time I called the other number and that dude sounded like he was still in bed. What the hell?? YOU circulated those numbers, not moi.) I can deal.

You take away my patios. I can deal.

You slow down my street cars. I can deal.

You block my cell phone bidnass. I can deal. (And I am popular)

You populate my 'hood with more crazies than usual. I can deal.

You take over my Captivate Network screen in the elevators which I usually like to read for weather updates and news snippets so I can have topics of convo to toss out there while I am waiting for the a-holes at work to finish heating up their stinky lunch in the microwave and move the hell out of my way so that I can get a fork. I can deal. (And potentially starve to death thank you very much.)

You threaten my "personal safety". I can deal.

You cancel local sporting events that I had plans to go to. I can deal.

You clean up my streets so that I'm not walking through a sea of refuse and trash in my open-toed sandals. I can deal.

You clean up the empties and ciggy butts faster than they can be produced by myself and fellow SOS'ers. I can deal.

But where $hit gets real and gets real fast, is when I go to hit up my local LCBO (aka church) and it is boarded up for the weekend thanks to you. I almost suffered a concussion due to falling to the ground in shock and disbelief and my makeup smeared from tears. A gal could dehydrate in this city faster than Cassie burns through a baker's doz pack o' Magnums.

FURTHERMORE, the knife slices through that final black and shrivelled artery of this "heart" of mine is when you close my local 24 hour grocery store. Oh no.




Why don't you just show up to my house Christmas morning after I have invited all my family and friends for the most magical Christmas ever, then $hit on my Martha Stewart turkey n' trimmin's fit for 50 of the most distinguished guests, then burn that mutha down. Did I mention we're out in the middle of nowhere having a Norman Rockwell holiday so there's nothing around for miles and miles?

That explains how I feel right now. This "heart" is broken and heavy. You've done it and I hope you're HAPPY!!!!!!!

G20 can EAT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NOT happy, NOT friendly, but still FABULOUS (and you're f'in lucky)

Alex intro... and then some

Alex Becker checking in! I know I know … it’s taken me this long to write a blog, but that’s just how I roll … a bit behind my sisters!

So here’s an update on what’s been happening this summer for this little Becker: I have been on dates with three eligible (well almost) bachelors!

  • Bachelor #1 – Mr. Laundry. We went on two dates. Date number one: we met for drinks. He was fun, smart and good looking. We had lots of chemistry, the conversation was fun and it seemed like we had lots in common. He told me that he was ready to settle down, get married and have kids … YA on the first date! So the attraction was obviously mutual. After about three hours of good conversation and drinks he told me that he would drive me home. Once outside my apartment I thanked him for a wonderful evening and attempted to give him a hug, to which he replied “that’s it?” and I replied “oh, would you like to come up?” and he said “YES”… on base actioned followed!
    Fast forward to second date. Once again out for drinks, lots of good conversation, chemistry yadi yada yada … So he tells me that he used to be engaged, so I asked "how long ago" … he says… "well lets just say that It's not ancient history" WTF is that suppose to mean? He seemed to get really nervous after my questions and his next statement was "I need to go home and do laundry!!!! Once again WTF! So a few days after he texted me and said "Just wanted to let you know that I started seeing my ex" = I am still engaged…. Ummmmm NO!!!! On to the next one!

  • Bachelor #2 – The Old Guy. He was … well old! But I thought it would be a different experience and who am I kidding … it would get me POINTS. Ok, so old guy was 48 years old. So I was optimistic, he picked me in a convertible BMW and he was pretty good looking … for an old guy ... but he sounded like an old guy. He was boring and only spoke about himself and his multimillion dollar business. I couldn’t get a word in … it was all about his travels and how great he was. Again … on to the next one!

  • Bachelor #3 – Hottie Hot Hot (aka Hot Spur). We found ourselves a winner … at least in terms of recycling! He’s super cute, tall, dark, handsome… and good in bed! If we’re skipping ahead ... his biggest fault is that he doesn’t wear undies, which in the grand scheme of things is NOTHING to complain about!!! Easy access right? So this dude and I have been on a few dates now and recycling potential is looking good!!! More to cum from this one ;)

And if tonight is any indication, the other Becker ladies will force me to provide a progress report!
That’s my update for now …. More to CUM!


Where do I start?

So much to tell; get comfortable!

I landed in St. John's a couple of hours before Monica so I hit the hotel bar to wait for her. Ordered my first Heineken and consumed many more of these throughout the four days we were there... think I should have shares in the company by now! A couple of men were giving me the creepy eye and tried to make conversation, by the time I ordered my third beer I went out for a smoke and was rescued by some people from New Brunswick who invited me to join them till Monica arrived. Another beer and a shot later Monica arrived! One more beer and off to George St.!

What a place! The stories you've heard are true!! I was in heaven, bars, boys & music! I have never been hit on so much in my life!!! Was called out by one boy who asked my name, gave a fake name of course and he asked if it was my real name or my bar name... Newfies are smart?!?!?!? No points this night but a great night nonetheless.

Night two was another story! Monica did not come to the bar this night but was out for dinner which was excellent. Fresh fish & seafood, it was delic!!

Walking to the bar a boy hit on me, and I have to say he was quite cute! His name was Dave, he is 25 and a soccer player like me which was intriguing... He chatted with me in the bar a bit but disappeared after a 21 yr old that is on his team was working his thing on me. The 21 yr old found out we had not been screeched in at this point to arranged for it to happen at the bar next door.

The 21 yr old continued with us to the many bars we hit was really starting to get annoying but for the sake of the game I sucked it up! Gave him my number and even made out with him in the bar a little. When he started taking his shirt off in the bar I had had enough and started talking to a 60 yr old man at the bar who has his own company distributing wine all over the world... good person to know, no? We're going to call him Gramps.

He and I chatted for the rest of the night, he was really quite sweet. While sitting outside talking we saw the 21 yr old stumble out of the bar and head down the street... bye bye! Gramps and I exchanged contact info and he asked me to have breakfast the next morning. We did meet for breakfast and by the end of the day he had emailed & texted me a few times... uh oh, old stage 5 clinger?!?!?! All for the sake of the game!

Our last night there was a bit of a shit show! Started at a pub around 4:00 in the afternoon with of course, Heineken. A few beers in Mon and I decided it was time for a shot for a little pick-me-up, then, off to George St.!!!!

Went to a jazz bar with live music. On this particular night it was a live one man show who couldn't play anything Monica and I requested; time to go!!!!

Off to karaoke we went! I think Monica might have a problem! :)

This turned out to be a very good night. After many a beer I jumped on stage and totally took the mic away from a woman and belted out Nickelback... this is crazy because I am not a fan of karaoke and I dispise Nickelback! Monica and I went out for a smoke and again, I get hit on! This time by a South African who after speaking to me for 5 mins and watching me in the bar told me that he thinks he is in love with me... what?!?!?!?!? On another smoke break a man just appeared. We have no idea where he came from but was there, we chatted with him for a couple mins and the next thing I know we are swapping spit!?!?!?! I LOVE NFLD !!!!!

That's all I have to say about NFLD. Let's talk about the Brit because that's where my real smiles are coming from these days.

Things are going really well between us and I see this becoming something really great! We haven't spent a lot of time together on weekends, we both have really busy schedules this Summer but we are making up for it during the week!


Toronto this week.....what a week !

I thought it noteworthy (for the official files) to mention a few events in Toronto this week:

  1. G20 summit......what a mess! The downtown core is on serious lock-down, forcing many of us to "work" remotely. Hopefully there will only be peaceful protests, but no need to risk losing an SOS'er to politics! (This did inspire the new background, which is temporary, in celebration of the International delegates visiting our city!)

  2. Earthquake...hit the city Wednesday afternoon. Epicenter was in Quebec, but the 5.5 rumble rocked Toronto.

  3. Tornados....warnings were everywhere after the quake, and a few hit in smaller communities outside of the city. No, we are not in Kansas.

  4. SOS Pub Crawl tonight.....ok, maybe not on the same news level as the others but noteworthy for sure!

  5. World Cup fever.....the city is filled with flags from around the globe, and after each game there is a neighborhood celebrating......I smell an SOS event coming up; sports bars filled with dudes watching soccer and drinking beer......points, points, points !!

Stay safe, play safe.


Is a real place. We had lunch there. End of story.

SOS photo op

Had this little gem sent to me while Chels was on a date......oh how I love my fellow SOS'ers!


From George Street to SOS Pub Crawl

I've missed you Toronto !

Well, I survived a week away with Brooke, and even managed to grab myself a couple assists. I have been working hard with Beer since my return on a personal mission to break 200 points this week!! He came over Wednesday for some evening recycling, as well as some Thursday morning hanky panky ( a week apart = making up for lost time). He returned again yesterday and I prepared a lovely meal that he cooked on the BBQ, after which we filled a couple travel mugs with wine and waltzed around the neighborhood. Before returning home for some more environmentally friendly work we stopped into a great playground and tested out some of the equipment, briefly considered getting some 'park/public place' points before determining we should save it for later in the summer, since I am already in the lead!

Back to the trip......4 days away with the one and only wild Brooke. I was quickly reminded why I pegged her as a front runner (despite her lackluster performance so far).....was it the NFLD air? The vacation persona? One of life's mysteries I guess. We enjoyed the scenery, and more importantly George Street. For those that have been no explanation is required.....for those who haven't; picture a single block lined with bars, pubs, and clubs, pedestrian traffic only, and some of the friendliest people in the world. Basically SOS heaven. Brooke impressed me with her competitive spirit (and karaoke willingness) as she pulled in some points and I cheered her on.

Tonight I look forward to an SOS Pub Crawl event organized by the lovely Cassie. We will be a few SOS'ers short but we've invited some outsiders who we feel can handle the fun factor....I'm sure there will be some good stories to come!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ain't that the truth

Know when to walk away, know when to run

Mid-week greetings from Pam.

I hope everyone is thoroughly enjoying the madness that is G20. Other than my brief stint in the click for reasons I won’t and legally can’t get into, I have never seen such a concentration of police in one area. I contemplated getting a little rowdy to see what they’d do with their handcuffs, but considered my permanent record and shut that idea down faster than SOS shuts down an open bar. Besides, 5-0 are Gemma’s thing and not so much mine.

Anyway, the aforementioned potential under-ager (who shall be know as Baby Face going forward) in the last post may be a bit of an exaggeration. Okay so most likely he could get away with one shave a week, but he wasn’t that young. I tried to instill a manly sense of confidence in him by being generous and pegging him at 24, to which he eagerly agreed. Didn’t give him all that much swagger in the end as I had hoped but hey, after a long night out Friday for a birthday party that took us to a few different venues, to say I was a hot mess was an understatement. I wouldn’t really say the phrase beggars can’t be choosers would be applicable here, as I don’t beg. More like you got to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em. So I held ‘em.

Around 4:30 am I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer and let Baby Face know I was calling him a cab. I knew his “name”, but given my past history in hearing incorrectly and messing them up I was hesitant to use it. Instead I gave the cab dispatcher my name and hoped Baby Face could find his way to the elevator. So clever? No, so transparent. But I slept fine for the next 3.5 hours before my alarm told me it was time to get up again and start a new day.

And just to add a little twist – as any good tryst has – I looked over to my beside table in the morning and started to laugh. What was perched right on top of it, right next to where Baby Face’s water glass was? A prominently displayed baby bootie of course. A friend had recently given it to me as her way of telling me she is expecting (this is a good thing, she's not an SOSer), which I am over the moon delighted about. So I put it there as a nice reminder for whenever I see it. But that on a one-night-stander drunk chick’s beside table is just a red flag of so many shades. So, so many shades.

This week is all business and no pleasure for me, so will check in later on. Unless I change my mind about those handcuffs….

Peacefully yours,


Monday, June 21, 2010

Week 10 standings

We're about halfway through regular season and things are really starting to heat up! Here's our recap for Week 10:
  • Monica's still on top, but a week away from Beer and some stiff competition from the lower ranks means this lassie may not be our leader for much longer... she's at 175 points

  • Pamela isn't going to lie down and take it, at least not when it comes to Monica and Chelsea taking the lead ;-) A late week HR with a *maybe* under age gentleman has her back in second place with 150 points

  • Chelsea better watch out, things are looking serious with White Shirt! And while steady recycling with a hot dude is nothing to complain about, the question is - is she ready to be a step mom?! She's at 142 points

  • While things are also looking to be headed down the serious route for Brooke and the Brit, what happens in NFLD stays in NFLD? There are some stories here that need to be blogged! Brooke has landed at 102 points for the week (and broke in to the triple digits!!)

  • Cassie made the GL work for blowing her off last weekend with an early week recycle. Rest of the week was quiet, so she's at 97 points. Looking forward to picking up the momentum again this week though - Friday night pub crawl here we come!

  • While the results of excessive alcohol consumption may have impeded her ability to rack up the points this weekend, Gwen finally reported in on some of her previous trysts to get her to 91 points

  • Victoria lived it up this weekend with family - and thankfully had no points to report. She remains at 75 points.
  • Has Alex found herself a regular recycler? Even though its World Cup time and there are many games to watch on TV, she's managed to get some field time of her own with Mr Hot Spur and is at 51 points
  • Gemma remains at 21 points, but I am hoping this Becker has some tricks (and points) up her sleeve yet!

That's all folks!

Cassie x

p.s. I thought I would post an image that celebrated today's summer solstice with the week's standings... the image selected was #2 when you google images for 'summer solstice'. AWESOME!

Monday, June 14, 2010

BBQ Sundays

G'day mates,

Monday, Monday, Monday......not as fun as Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

What better excuse to have a BBQ party on a Sunday than having an Australian friend visiting this fine city of ours? Highlight of the BBQ was having ALL the SOS'ers together in one spot for the first time! It's pretty difficult herding the kittens together, especially to an environment that is not ideal for scoring new points, but the sisters all came out to make the Australian feel welcome, along with several other friends and family members.

A couple funny Beer moments......

1. Beer meeting my parents, and then being stuck in a long conversation with my mom, who decided to invite him to the next big family event....the Canada Day BBQ.....this was not something I would have subjected him to so early, but he agreed to come, and now has to meet everyone. Not sure this is ideal, I haven't even met anyone in his family, can we say overwhelming? He really is a good sport.....if he was collecting points he'd get a bunch more today- really is a good guy!

2. Me handing my friends baby to Beer to feel how heavy he is, Beer looking at me with fear in his eyes as I push the baby into his hands and he announces he has never held a baby before, but this one feels heavy and could I take him back. Did we mention overwhelming? He is such a good sport about putting up with me, and now my family too!

Last week involved many late nights, and far too many drinks....including Saturday afternoon and evening when Cassie, Chelsea and I took the visitor to Niagara Falls, and most importantly a couple wineries. If you are looking for a great winery to visit, have a bite to eat, and enjoy the view we reccomend Ravine Vineyard; we fell in love with it as soon as we turned into the driveway.

The next couple nights are going to have to be low key, as I prepare for a week's vacation in the East Coast, where I will be joined by Brooke for the second part of it in Newfoundland.....can't wait to see the kind of SOS trouble we can get into out there (by that I mean mostly Brooke with my encouragement!).



Week 9 standings

It finally happened folks! The Beckers descended upon Monica's backyard yesterday and were in full attendance - what a way to wrap up a stellar week! Here's our recap:

  • Monica is still holding on to her lead with a whopping 165 points. She's pulling ahead folks, and here I was thinking Pam had it in the bag!
  • Leapfrogging to second place this week, Chelsea-Chelsea Bang-Bang is at 127 points. She is one determined little beaver, recycling with both the councelor and white shirt!
  • Pam almost got public washroom points this week... too bad Bitch Tits didn't make the move. Its still a tight race though, she's at 126 points.
  • Brooke and Cassie are tied for 4th at 92 points each. Brooke sadly had no points to report as The Brit was away... but Cassie hit it out of the park with Giant Loser earning her a cool 18 points.
  • Next up is Gwen, who has had some drama this week, but unfortunately not point worthy. She did manage to sneak in some recycling points before coming down with the plague. This has her landing at 76 points.
  • Victoria really pulled one out of the bag this week and got busy with a gentleman caller to take her to 75 points.
  • Our little dating machine, Alex, was out with 2 dudes last week, and liked the second one so much she got HR points! Woohoo! She's at 41 points.
  • Finally, Gemma earned herself some onbase points with her co-worker. This takes her to 21 points for the week.

Well done ladies! It's been entertaining!

Cassie x

Living up to his name

Cassie here with a quick update for our loyal following.

Giant Loser came over on Wednesday night for dinner and the hockey game. I was all nerves, but thanks to my good friends Monica and alcohol, was able to calm them enough to act mostly normal when he turned up.

We had some great conversation, and it was definitely flirtier than our Sunday date (I went to the movies with GL the day after the mathematician… was not feeling the double header so there wasn’t even on base action that day).

We didn’t end up making it to the second period of the hockey game before we got to fooling around. He’s a great kisser! Fast forward to HR territory and I go to reach for protection.


GL proceeds to say rather coyly “I don’t mean to be cocky, but are they large (condoms)?” umm… no regular sized, thank you. “ah well I need large, I have some” and out comes the Large Magnum. Oh dear god. He then struggles to even get that bad boy on. At this point I am a little worried about my little lady friend - I certainly don't want to add her to the injuries list. I have been sitting here trying to figure out how to write the next part without sounding like a porn star with a loose va-jayjay. Let’s just say that after warming up to GL’s large member, it was all good. But the dude lived up to the Giant nickname in more ways than one!

This weekend, however GL earned the second half of his nickname by cancelling on me twice!! I'm going to keep him around for recycling purposes, but keeping one foot firmly out the door. Anyways, I probably had a better time hanging out with the SOS ladies this weekend!

Until next time,
Cassie x

Friday, June 11, 2010

Maybe I need some rehab

Or maybe just need some sleep.

It’s Pam, and I thought I would check in since I’ve been MIA for a little while – not just in cyberspace kiddies, but ‘the scene’ in general. (Side note: Interesting that a week without lurking around a bar is significantly noteworthy to me. Hmmm, perhaps I need to explore that. Or not. Moving on) Let me bring you up to speed. No points lately for this gal. Excuses, excuses. Let them begin. I’ve been out of the city a lot lately and last weekend chose to focus on getting some much needed stuff done, like addressing the grimy cottage-like status of my living quarters. A party girl lifestyle can take its toll - but certainly worth it, don’t buy into that shit if someone tells you different! That is propaganda and last time I checked propaganda was illegal.

So I stroll into work this morning “on a fresh hangover”, kick my shoes off under my desk and pour myself a cold one. Drink of water that is. My co-worker has learned to read the subtle signs (eyes half closed, red morning-after booze face, scraggily hair) of my lifestyle and after getting off the phone asks when I was going downstairs to get my tomato and cheese bagel – my standard hangover breakfast choice. Perhaps I am not such an enigma after all. Humbling.

I did get out and about and score myself some points last night. Was out with Gemma, Monica, Cassie and Chelsea and some others having a few (platters) of drinks and dancing. The talent there was okay, nothing to write home about, just to blog about. I did end up making out with someone we’ll call Bitch Tits, not because he had them, but just because I think it is amusing and why the heck not. It makes me laugh to myself every time.Upon meeting, Bitch Tits told me four things either about himself or that were important to him, I can’t remember. All I remember is that they seemed way too crafted so I called him on it. Really, you only chose four things and two of them were that you loved to cook and loved children? The other two were along the same lines, but I just can’t remember what they were. I think I may have called him lame. As much as I love both of those things too, who the heck puts that out there at a bar? And also, who the heck speaks in lists, and how did it come up? Oh right it was right around the time he was questioning me about why my new cougar best friend and I that I was sitting with bonded so quickly. “What is it about her that you think is so great?” Uh hello, look at her? She’s hot to trot and workin’ that dancefloor like nobody’s business. She was a blast. What’s not to love? After chatting a little more and learning that he was 36, it was clear that Bitch Tits was ready to put a ring on it. In general.

Bitch Tits and I made out some more at the end of a dark hallway, but I had enough and wanted to get more drinks and dance. The band was really good. Bitch Tits was nice but was getting a tad annoying. And it’s not because he didn’t buy me a drink. That was understandable seeing as I had two on the go usually anyway. For instance I’d be talking to someone else, like trying to pick up the bass player and he’d just show up. Or I’d be in conversation with his colleagues and he’d announce that he needed to go make a phone call. Okay then go ahead. Oh wait that was code for you want to go make out some more? Holy hell who am I, Tom Hanks in The Da Vinci Code? How am I supposed to decipher that? Everybody’s drunk, so just come out and say so.

I don’t really remember too much about how it wrapped up but I did give him my phone number. His name escapes me *just a touch*, and the pocket full of business cards that I found in my pocket this morning weren’t any help either. (Darn it! I need to start writing on them. One of them was a gentleman that comes to Toronto several times a month for business and I was going to be his dinner companion when he was here. Shit. Well poof goes all my rapid checkmarks beside restaurants I’ve wanted to try. My life is so hard.)

And that is the story of Bitch Tits. And all the little SOS’ers lived happily ever after.

Here’s a little something for your listening pleasure. Makes for some good in chair dancing at a desk on a sunny Friday.

Have a great weekend everybody! I’m heading out of the city for the weekend for a family affair. And I don’t care how many points that scores, I ain’t going there.

Love to luv ya,
Pamma Lamma Ding Dong (ha ha!)

For your consideration

Some of the Beckers were out last night and the topic of vajazzling came up. I mean, what is vajazzling? Is it glitter? Do you use a bedazzler like you would on a jean jacket? Well... here's all you need to know on the topic:

But this begs the question - is this the new norm? First the brazilian... now vajazzling??


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Audience Gets a Show

So, after getting a text from Mon - "Get on the blog" I am finally getting around to sharing the 3 lovely days with you ladies and why drinking mass amounts of booze on an empty stomache...not a good idea!

This week was my industry's world conference with 1500 people from all over the world here in T.O. Every year this happens, a party is hosted for the Canadians, where every year, scandal is known to ensue thanks to the mass open bar, Canadians and party-crashing Brits and Aussies who drink so so well together. However, Never did I think I'd be the one in the midst of the shit show that I helped make fun of every year!

[INSERT This is the point where Pam should stop reading, or she might be disturbed considering she knows him quite well!! Esp, when I couldn't even look her in the face to tell her, sent her a text and her not getting it, asking me and screaming at the top of her lungs once she figured it out.]

Shoot to Monday morning, me, waking up, "with a fresh hangover" feeling like an ashtray and all of a sudden getting flashbacks to me, making out HARD CORE -- not with anyone from another part of the world, oh no, that'd be easy. Nope, I decided it better to take the advice of some drunk lady who told me "Oh, he's totally got a thing for you." Her then telling him to get on it "She's hot", and then deciding it a great idea - at the time - to hit on one of my fellow board members/incoming pres, kinda my volunteer "boss" you could say - who by the way - just on a fresh breakup with a live-in GF, in the middle of the upper patio, surrounded by our industry colleagues and peers, and reliving the moment when an obnoxious American association member yelling at us "Way to go!" as he passed us, patting my 'friend' on the back as we made out! Prompting by the kudos from Yankee Doodle, we decide to continue the session in a more "private local", all while still debating whether it's a good idea to go home with him or not. After making out all over the friggin bar and telling me what he would do to me if he took me home - all good things might I add - I'm quite frankly surprised I practiced such self control- I historically would have not! lol I decide for many reasons, it's not a good idea. I jump in a cab and go home because quite frankly, there was a small window of opportunity before that decision got thrown - just like our great plan 'not to do anything at all' (See where that great decision got us!? Him telling me "Fuck it" grabbing me, and well, you get the picture).

Now, this isn't the part that's the killer. Because had I known how much of big of a deal would be made in a text from him the next day...I would've just slept with him and at least gotten something out of it. Frigg...he wanted to have 'the chat'. Seriously, for a few hours of making out? Really? Why couldn't he just sweep this under the rug like a normal person? lol. Why did he have to talk this out in humiliating detail...not so much for the make-out, who cares! Mainly because of our conversations, him asking me "how I feel about all of it" lol and the fact that our industry peers, fellow board members, each of our volunteers and friends, potentially saw the show go down, and are keeping mum about it - we don't know. Finally, we meet for the talk and just when I think I've remembered everything, he continues to tell me more and more in cringeworthy detail (I told him he had to fill in the blanks- mostly because I wanted to torture him for wanting to have the chat in the first place lol). As we walked the block pissing our pants laughing...what else are you gonna do? We decide we need to leave it as is and chalk it up to some stories for books...or the SOS blog, of course, and hope to hell nobody either A) remembers or B) nobody important saw anything, and never drink in each other's presence again. lol

Moral of the story - I'm going to give you all some advice from my profession: "Know Your Audience" Then craft your message, or in this case "actions" - accordingly. May or may not have just put myself on the Party VIP slut list for 2011 conference. Sheesh.

Toodles for now,

Gemma xo

I'm Sorry.....

Hello Toronto,

After my bad attitude this weekend I finally had the to opportunity to apologize to Beer yesterday. He was very good about it, telling me just to be honest about what I want to do, it's no big deal. During the conversation he did ask what I was looking for out this, as it seems I am more about partying, going out, and SOS than really getting to know someone and spending quality time with them.........SO weird (cause I am really not like that at all). That's exactly what I might have thought he was in for, again he surprises in good ways. It was determined that we want the best of both worlds, and why not together? So the strategy is to schedule more one-on-one time (date nights) and still do the fun stuff with friends, and eachother at the same time.

On a different note.......what the SOS is going on with Alex and Gemma? Let me just say I know they have stories to tell, and I am impatiently awaiting some posts from them!

Enjoy the rain, appreciate what it brings!



Mon & Chels might be on to something...

Had date night last Thursday with Brit at his place. Started off pretty quiet, well, besides the fact that you could have cut the sexual tension with a knife! After about an hour and a half I had enough and went for a kiss. This was followed by many others and then being led into the bedroom. It's always a little scary when you have 'sober' sex for the first time with someone... no complaints!

My last post told about how I was at his place the weekend before and had a wonderful drunk time, met his friends and family etc. Well, I think this sober Thursday at his place is a perfect time to find out if I did anything completely stupid. I'm sure if I did I wouldn't have been invited back but then again, I did put out; so... He assured me that I was fine, expect that his sister thought I might be hitting on her thoughout the night. I could feel the hot face coming on and immediately thought of Monica & Chelsea who already think I might be a lezzie.

I'm thinking maybe I was dancing a little too close with her or something, yah, a living room dance party broke out that night, which is totally acceptable. He informed me it was a bit more then that; I brought up threesomes and kept telling her how pretty she was. One of these 'pretty' comments was accompanied by me brushing her hair behind her ear... YAH!!!

I really don't have anything else to say about this and I'm quite shocked at myself for telling all of you!

~Brooke (possible dyke)

Monday, June 7, 2010

This is a dangerous game

I am feeling abused this morning. Let's put aside the damage I have done to my liver and brain with all the alcohol consumption (or liquid courage)... I would just like to document the injuries I have sustained since the season kicked off.

  1. Cold sore... I have not had a bad boy like that for a good 2 years. No sleep and action can lead to terrible things! Hopefully that is the only one for the year, and the only type of herpes the Becker team has to deal with (ewwww)

  2. Bruising... Drinking + Mathematician HR = falling off the bed (twice!) and some huge ass bruises on my arms and legs (and back, although I am not sure, that might be a bite mark LOL). Dude was energetic!

Here's hoping thats it for this Becker. Not sure I can handle a full season of this!!!

Cassie x

Week 8 standings

Howdy sportsfans!

This was bit of a quiet week for the Becker girls, with a pitiful 59 points added to the collective scoreboard (usually we’re in the 100’s). Here’s a recap:

  • Monica is still on top, adding some assists to take her to an even 150 points
  • Pamela had a quiet one – no points added so she remains at 120 points
  • Chelsea is in the triple digits this week after some action on Saturday night. 105 points
  • Brooke is keeping things going with the Brit. Recycling has her at 92 points
  • Cassie had a slutty weekend. Rematches and a random HR has her leaping to 74 points
  • Gwen – unreported action for this week, will update but for now – 71 points
  • Victoria also had a quiet week – no change, remains at 55 points
  • Alex is getting her game into full swing – there were some dancefloor make outs, digit distribution and rematches contributing to her 21 points
  • Gemma, Gemma, Gemma… this lovely lass remains at 8 points

Stay classy Toronto
Cassie x

Sunday, June 6, 2010

427*345 does NOT = Rematch

Another spontaneous SOS event last night, where some points were scored. I woke up in bed with someone who I should be getting recycling points from for the amount of times we sleep together, and it wasn't Beer.
My plan for the evening was to go out with Beer, but that didn't happen......I left him in charge of choosing something to do/making a plan. After some silly texts about dinner in the suburbs he told me he was tired from a late night on Friday and a day of golf so wanted to just stay in. Problem. I wasn't tired as I had a low key night at the movies with Alex and Pamela on Friday. (Sex&The City 2- it's more of a rent than theatre but the popcorn was good, and it's always fun to be with the girls!) Plus it was Saturday night, and we've spent the past 2 Sunday's's way too early for me not to get to see the fun Beer more often.... So in a not-so-nice text I told him not to bother as I wasn't in the mood for a night on the couch, there was some back and forth, I was throwing way more attitude than necessary (perhaps related to some PMS-in any case it's wasn't nice or necessary- bad Monica!), and now I think it could be a while before I see Beer again.....he probably needs some space from crazy Monica.
Soooooo, all that being said I got a lovely message from Cassie asking if I wanted to meet up with her for some drinks then perhaps hit a King West location? Well of course I did. Next thing I know Chelsea is messaging asking what we are doing because she was ready to ditch her current scene and hook up with some SOS'ers. The 3 of us met at a pub on King West, and to some SOS delight it was filled with men! (not so exciting for me, as I was wishing I had just stuck with my Beer plan, and am not interested in meeting new dude's) Quite honestly the ratio was you can imagine what happened next:

~ A chat with a group of 5 guys, and quickly determine the ringleader is a douche, which should have been obvious given his sparkly Ed Hardy shirt, lesson learned.

~ When Chelsea and I return from a ciggie break we see Cassie surrounded by men laughing and entertaining them with empty shot glasses galore.

~ Cassie chats up "the mathematician" who is celebrating a birthday (who I had to put a lot of face time in with while she chatted with all the other patrons).

~ Chelsea gets a bit of action with "white shirt" and I help an SOS'er out by getting the dets we need to accurately post her points.

Texts between Cassie & Monica:

Monica (2:30AM): Q: Are you with the mathematician? 427*345= ?
Cassie (5:30AM): With the mathematician . One night only. 427*345 does not= rematch

Back to my opening line, I wake up, as so often happens, with Chels by my side. It's fair to say in 10 years or so we will take the plunge and become official life partners, for now we are just in training.....and it's going well!

Happy Sunday, off to meet Pam-o at the gym to work off those calories gained last night that were not worked off with Mr. Beer !!!

xoxo (aka Socks)

PS- Fun fact: Auto-correct changes "xoxo" to "socks", and since the SOS'ers are so close we are often shooting each other texts that end up saying "socks". It's endearing really.

Friday, June 4, 2010

On to the next one…

Cassie here… and thank F@$& Its Friday! This Becker is not sure she can handle the mid week boozers! I am feeling ooooooold today LOL.

AnywayS… Just wanted to stop in and update you on what’s been happening since my last installment.

The Cripple:
After some recycling last Thursday and Friday, I came to the realization that The Cripple has run his course. I mean the dude was trying to move in (he left shampoo and shower gel at my house)! I have been delaying the responses to his texts and I am pretty sure he’s got the general idea. Oh well, on to the next one as Jay-Z so wisely says!

Giant Loser:
Not only is this guy a Giant, but apparently a genius! Dude got in to Oxford for his MBA! I like. We’ve been texting since we met up 2 weeks ago, but no date yet as he is studying for a big exam this Saturday. Date planned for Sunday. I am excited.

And introducing… The Dud:
Not sure how much you are going to be hearing about this guy, but I had a date last night with a dud of a guy, and there were a few gems I needed to share. First of all – the guy ordered soup and a tea at a pub (strike 1)! He also didn’t want to hug or kiss on the cheek hello because he was just getting over something (ah, strike 2! If you’re sick, don’t schedule a date). Once I sat down the Dud started to talk about his interests, which were very… umm… diverse. Highlights:

  • Meditation

  • Archery

  • Hip Hop dancing (and not in a cool way – I imagine this would be very fontrum worthy)

The Dud does not like:

  • Concerts (strike 3)

  • Indian food

Basically this is NOT the guy for me. But low and behold, I get a text from him this morning:

“Nice to meet you last night. I think it is so cool we both work from home. Maybe we could meet now and then for coffee or lunch?”

I don’t think so.

Have a great weekend folks!
Cassie x


Cripple forced the issue... I got some texts from him asking about the weekend and so like any classy lady would do, I promptly replied back with the "I don't think we should keep seeing eachother" text. Yes thats right - the break up text. Shower gel and shampoo are in the garbage can LOL.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Just A ‘Crush’ Didn’t Last Too Long

I wrote my last blog on May 23 while at Monica’s enjoying the summer weather sitting on the back patio. While blogging I was also texting with my crush, let’s call him Mr. Brit, he invited me to his place that night for some beers. So of course, I went. Monica was a big help with my decision as I was very hesitant and nervous as f*ck!!
Had a wonderful time drinking beer in the backyard and laughing. Left around 03:30 and went home. Rematch points only. I know some of you may be disappointed by my decision to go home but I actually like this guy and when that happens I tend to make them wait!!

The week was pretty quiet except for Thursday when Mr. Brit and I went out for dinner and some beers. Again, an evening full of laughter and great conversation! We parted ways and I got home at about 01:30. He invited me to his place the coming Saturday for some afternoon beers & bbq. I accepted and knew the ‘wait’ was going to end on this day! Quite a few people ended up coming over for the bbq including his sister & brother-in-law…eek, family!?!?! I think it went well considering I didn’t know it was his sister until about three hours after her arrival!

He finally broke the ice late in the night when he and I were out for a smoke, he leaned in and kissed me, and let me tell you, what a kiss!! I immediately went in for another! The end of the night is kind of a blur but I do know oral was involved by both parties followed by me asking which one of us is going to quit our jobs?!?!? We ended up doing the deed the following morning, or later that morning I should say!! :)

I’m heading to his place tonight… bet you all know what’s coming?!?! Both of us I’m sure! :)

Enough about Mr. Brit, let’s talk about the Nazi I met last Friday night!

He has an accent but I don’t recognize it so I ask him where he is from. He tells me he’s German and then asks if I know who Rudolph Hess is? I say no and he informs me that he was Hitler’s right hand man. I say, oh, is that the guy he was feeding it to?!?! I think you all know what I mean, and I know he did, he wasn’t amused… turns out, it’s his Grandfather!!! Oops!! Not much else to say about this other then I only gave him my number… could have been some big points had I chosen another path!


Cause I got friends...

in lo-o-ow places! Whoever thought that a roaring night out is reserved only for the weekends clearly hasn’t rolled with an SOS sister. You have my sympathy.

It poured last night but we braved the rain and headed out to sing a little karaoke. Again. Why not? It’s fun, the drinks are cheap (five of us feasted and never had less than a back up drink waiting for us at all times over the course of just under 4 hours – and we’re drinkers – wasn’t even $40 each), and there’s always lots of dance floor to be had. Plus shout outs or ordering drinks from the stage is just good times.

Gwen and I stopped into Monica’s, and Cassie and Chelsea joined shortly thereafter. A few cocktails and a traveller later Mr. Cab Driver dropped us off at a mini-van and station wagon loaded parking lot and we were ready to flip through those binders and take to the stage. By way of neatly organized bullet points, I will attempt to fill you in on the festivities. I actually feel proud that I may actually have the clearest recollection of the group, seeing as I was passing out on my bar stool mid-conversation with Cassie a couple of night ago, and woke up with a wine glass on my bedroom floor. A particular type that I do not own. And clearly need to go back to the venue now to get myself a set.

Today’s highlights of last night are brought to you by Vodka & Gin; helping folks make decisions against their better judgements for years.

· Upon arrival being greeted by the karaoke host, him knowing our names, coming over for a round of hugs, and updating us on his physical health. “Remember how my leg was hurting last time?” Nope. “Well turns out I…”

· Getting stage time almost immediately. Okay fine it wasn’t particularly busy but still. I was in the latrine and Chelsea comes busting in calling my name that Monica and I were due on the stage. Now that is a good friend.

· Making friends with a fellow patron who was there on her own, nursing a single beer all night since she was driving (genuine props to being responsible) who would take the stage in her hot jeans, denim blazer and black studded bustier to rock out the occasional ballad. Shy but nice. Or maybe sober vs. not so sober.

· Monica getting a spontaneous back rub from the DJ at our table. It was lengthy. She did not appear to be particularly enjoying it. Her eyes said a lot.

· Gwen having an emotional moment while texting and yes there were tears. She was reminded that although she would be sensitive to this situation sober, there was a *pretty* fair chance that those tears could infact be made of Grey Goose and to revisit everything in the morning. The switch was flipped and tears immediately turned to laughter.

· Cassie and Gwen giving a rousing and heartfelt rendition of Landslide and Friends in Low Places. Real crowd pleasers. And Cassie said she was just gonna watch. Uh oh, me thinks somebody’s got the bug!

· Another patron by the name of Randal who came across very moody (read: one splash goth, heavy on the rock) in his appearance, but was actually pretty nice and gave us a random poster from the TTC that he just happened to have “and we might like.” The DJ was referring to his singing all evening as getting randallized, and we called him Randal the Vandal, which he liked. Very much.

· Myself having the chance to rap on stage to Ice Ice Baby, and later to Baby Got Back, the latter of which the DJ did come over and to suggest to me that I should sing. I believe the exact phrase of “You can do this, I know you’re ready. I’m gonna put it on, this is yours” was used while giving me a serious pep talk. God bless.

· Hearing the name of the next person due on the stage and bellaring to everyone walking by within a 15 meter radius of the stage things such as “Is that you?! Are you Lefty? GO LEFTY!!!” “I’m not Lefty.”

· Chelsea chatting up a late comer to the bar, only to decide it wasn’t such a good idea after we pointed out his friend that just returned from the bathroom. Clearly weekend pass started early this week.

· The final song being a duet of Crusin’ by Huey Lewis between the DJ and Monica, which was his little surprise to her. Hello DJ Lance Romance!!

· Bidding Cassie farewell at the end of the night and the rest of us heading to Mon’s for a sleepover, deciding we were hungry and firing up the oven and raiding the freezer for a feast. Hearing “that smells really smoky, maybe we should turn it down,” followed by a wailing fire alarm that went off a number of times and were fanned quiet by giant pillows. At 2:30 am.

· And finally Gwen and I creeping out at seven bells this morning and when we went to check in on the girls, being told by Monica that she couldn’t move her head, which Chelsea clearly could because she lifted it to give a confused look before rolling over to go back to sleep.

Stay classy Toronto,


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Coo coo ca-choo

Greetings from cyberspace. It’s your friend Pamela. You haven’t heard from me in awhile cause things have been pretty quiet for me on the SOS front. I know it’s important to make time for trouble, and trust me I see the validity of this, but I’ve just had some other things on the agenda occupying my time.

Instead of regaling you with tales of my other extra curricular activities, I thought I would share some thoughts of a different kind. Actually, it was Monica’s mention of Mrs. Robinson in a previous post that sparked my attention. I’m not sure if everyone has seen The Graduate, but surely you’re all familiar with the reference to Mrs. Robinson. You know – hot older woman seducing the younger man. It brought me back years ago to when I watched the film. And fell in love. Not with a young (and extremely awkward/European speedo-wearing) Dustin Hoffman, nay, with Mrs. R herself. I’m not talking romantic love. The other kind. The kind that doesn’t make you do crazy stuff and cut into your drinking or sleeping with other people. Moving on…

When I finished watching this movie I remember thinking she was the coolest person ever. And then I wondered if I should be concerned that I didn’t quite get the moral of the story and instead found it rather inspirational. So without further adieu, Pros and Cons to being Mrs. Robinson.

Pros :)

1. You’re super hot with a great bod.
2. You get to wear beautiful clothing and be impossibly chic.
3. You’re in your 40’s and your lover is 21. And ever the respectful lover, he calls you Mrs.Robinson.
4. Sweet house.
5. You can drink. A lot. And really hold your liquor.
6. You have a cameo in George Michael’s Too Funky song. See #7.
7. You get to use really great lines with a coolness in your delivery that wouldn’t work for just anybody. Such as “Would you like me to seduce you? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?”
8. You do ballsy things like get naked and lock yourself in rooms with people and proposition them. Now that is confidence.
9. Your husband is away a lot.
10. Simon and Garfunkel write a song all about you.
11. Jesus loves you more than will know.

Cons :(

1. You are an adulterer.
2. Adultering with your daughter's boyfriend.
3. Which makes her hate you.
4. “Alcoholic”
5. Among some social circles consider a “bad friend” because you are bedding your friends’ kid.

Well huh when you write it all down it ain’t actually all that bad. I think I’ll still borrow some of her Pros. Hers are some pretty tall stilettos to fill - if I'm going to be stripping down in broad daylight and propositing men I better get working on my fitness!