
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cheers to Beer

I haven't updated on Beer in a while, and having spent a couple good nights with him this week I thought it was time.
Things are good, he continues to excel in the previous posted "pro's", and I am starting to believe good guys don't finish last, they finish first!
We went to a wedding a couple weeks ago, where 2 of my friends made the lifetime commitment, and I knew several people at the wedding....he didn't know anyone. If I could award him points he would get 100 for putting up with me that night! Not only did I miss half of dinner as I was touring around the banquet facility with an old friend who works there (I used to work there too), but I was bouncing around chatting with people before dinner, and insisted on spending most of the time after dinner on the dance floor with a 9 year old who was an amazing dancer (godson of the bride) while Beer politely stood to the side smiling and bobbing. Not to worry, he was properly rewarded for being a good guy ;-)
We had a fun night on the long weekend where we ended up at the (smelly) Madison with Gemma and Chelsea, and Beer met up with a few of his friends. That night ended, as Gemma mentioned, with me snuggling in between the girls for a little bit before heading to my own bed to wake Beer up......
We spent Monday night together as well, where he (accidently I'd guess) told me his boss came up to him recently and said she heard he was dating an "older woman"......say what? OK, yes, I am 3 years older than him, but does that justify making me feel like Mrs. Robinson? (what a great song, I think I will sing that next week at karaoke, obviously!). No, he thought it was funny, and said he doesn't describe me that way, but someone he works with must have told his boss that......I have never met anyone he works with, so although he may not have described me that way to his boss he must have to someone he works with! Nevertheless, I'm going to let it slide, as Chelsea said, it is rather amusing really.
Finally last night, Chelsea came over for some after work sun, and a drink or 2. Beer joined us later, I made some dinner for the 3 of us before Chelsea scooted home and Beer and I fell asleep watching tv (ok I fell asleep while he watched tv). Let's just say a few more recyling points my way and I am working my way to the top of the charts.......look out Pam-o :-)

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