
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cassie intro, part 2

As I listen to my ipod this morning, I was inspired to blog when this little diddy came on...

"She's flirty, turned thirty... Ain't that the age a girl gets really dirty?"

The last time I left off I was planning a date with the Giant (not to be confused with Pam's Australian Giant... maybe he needs a new name? I propose Loser, reason to follow). Well, Loser texted me Sunday morning saying he was too hung over to get together and could we reschedule. Well... normally that is a no-no for this SOSer and grounds for immediate dismissal. I mean seriously? It was a mid day coffee - what did he REALLY get up to the night before?!?! Anyway, since we are in the midst of a competition, I sucked it up and agreed to the reschedule... still yet to happen, so chances are fading for this dude. (Dang, I was really hoping for the date points!)

Meanwhile I have been keeping myself entertained with the Cripple. We had a Monday night slumber party... great food, good times, and a love of southern food ;-), what more can a girl ask for!? Things did get a little awkward yesterday though when we were bantering back and forth about our next rendez-vous and he said that he told his cousins (he's English so thats the closest family he has in Canada) about me and they wanted us to come over on the holiday Monday! My response: "OMG seriously? Is this the one that thinks I'm a tramp?"

(back up a little bit - after our first date that resulted in the HR, he drove home but made a detour at his cousins for Saturday brunch. I didn't get all the details from the Cripple, but his fam could tell he had not been home since the night before and called him a dirty stop-out :)... there was more teasing involved, but his other cousin apparently put a stop to it by saying that she better stop because I might be sitting across from them at the christmas table, so I suspect there were some comments around "who is the little hooker?" LOL)

So... after my response, Cripple backed down and I think meeting the Fockers has been avoided, at least for now. But I am a little concerned we are heading in to relationship territory here. Not sure I am ready/up for that. Anyhoo - happy to recycle until D-Day arrives and I actually have to make a call.


Cassie x

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