
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Point-less Weekend ......

Sunday afternoon on a beautiful fall day and I had a sudden desire/longing to check in with the SOS world.....however now that the season is over there is a serious deficit of reading; what's a Becker to do?

Well, I can tell you about my weekend, which did not involve any activities that would have gotten me any points; if points were still being counted.  I had some girlfriends over Friday night and Gemma and Brooke came by for some pizza, beer and laughs.  We were telling some non-SOS'ers about a few of our adventures and they, like u,s found great humour in some of our stories.
Saturday I spent the day shopping with Alex, then popped by Chelsea's for a quick visit (read beer) before settling in at home to share a bottle of wine with a neighbor.

So a weekend goes by without any points for this winner (sorry, had to rub it in a little bit......), but I am very excited to hear about Cassie's weekend with Calgary Kid, once she comes up for air that is!!  We should also look forward to an update from Alex about her continued sessions with Hot Spur.  I heard Gemma and Pamela were out on th town Saturday night too- so maybe they will have a story or 2 to share....I hope so!

Warp party scheduled for Saturday, lots of prep going on, the Beckers will be prepared for paparazzi and an evening of glitz and glamour!

Till next time,

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