
Friday, September 10, 2010

Pillow talk with Pam

Is it that time already? Kinda just seems like only yesterday we were starting this blog, and kicking off what proved to be a very busy, and very boozey season. I went into this looking to live my life and see what came of it as a result, but who knew it would be this fun? SOS sisters are the best.

I think we all need to give Cassie a high ten for a fantastic job in all of her weekly reporting and especially for the final round up summary. A lot of hard work and done with such enthusiasm and flare. I like.

Before I wax too nostalgic, as I have been known to do, let's rewind and recap. As mentioned by Gemma in her post earlier this week, we had quite the night on Friday. I knew my memory of it was patchy, but clearly patchier than I thought as while having lunch yesterday with Victoria and Monica, I learned something new. Apparently my quick dance floor (pity) make out wasn’t just some kissing. And wasn’t on the dance floor. What do you mean? I asked. Oh no, there was movement to the bathroom hallway with followers to watch (but this was for pity! How committed to my craft am I?!) and at one point he picked me up and my legs were wrapped around him… ? While my friends shouted "Onesie! Onesie" as I was wearing a onesie that night. (Perhaps that was a good thing, keep it where it all needs to be.) Oh my. *Not* how I remembered it at all. I remember sending him on his way though and keeping it somewhat short and sweet. There was also a confused and somewhat hurt look on his face when I was leaving at the end of the night with another dude.

Which brings me to:

Dude. Aka – Go Home.

- near the end of the evening I saw him walk by, and from my perception he looked cute. My perception being quite intoxicated and navigating in mood lighting. Two girls grabbed him and started talking to him. I went over and told him he was too cute to hang out with them and to come talk to me. So we both walked away. (Side note here: Gasp - rude!! I need to stop that nonsense. Not only is it not nice, but I’m going to get punched.)

- his posse of friends then coming over and infiltrating our group of girls. Let the conversations begin. Some of which turned into more than that… again, see Gemma’s entry.

- Heading back home in a cab with him and others (sweet, far cab ride paid for. Thank ya very much) and when it was all said and done, asking him to go. Find your friends and go please.

- He asked so I gave him my number. He asked if I wanted his.
In his eastern European accent “What do you mean no? You don’t want my telephone number?”
“So you don’t want to hang out again…?”, said while gesturing with his hands back and forth at the two of us.
I raised my head from my pillow, tossing him a look of clear annoyance. As best as I could do in the dark anyway.
“No, not really. I don’t even really want you to call me. I’m tired and falling asleep, can you just go?”
“Okay fine, well have a nice life.” He looks back to see if I am going to adjust my outlook on the situation last minute and stop him.
“I will. Hey shut my door!”

What can I say, I guess it wasn’t that great and my friend Al Cohol helps me articulate myself clearly.

So all in all… is this goodbye to the blog? I don’t think so. Although I won’t be submitting my activities for points review, I think I’ll check in with the blog. More or less for my own entertainment I think. Is it sad that I find this a creative outlet? (Mental note: perhaps need to take up handy crafts.) Lord knows that there will be more crappy dates and more crazy men to talk about. There's certainly more karaoke to be sung, double g&t's to be enjoyed, stag parties to crash... and there are more Man Childs, The Giants, Karls, NKOTBs, Czech Pleases, Brazilians and much, much more to be found. Of that I am very sure. Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing really.

So until then, I raise my glass in toast - to our fair city, my SOS sisters that fill it, and the men (or women...?) that give us our material to write about. Long may you rein.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. it says comment was removed but really it was me posting something in the wrong spot and had to delete it. No scandal here people!
    - Pam
