
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bye Bye Beer

Well, they say all good things come to an end…..and the end of Beer+Monica is upon us…..

So, as you know, based on my various blogged complaints, he really hasn’t been around much, and when he has it’s been the less fun, and more hung-over side of him; probably a clear indication that he really wasn’t into me, or this, but I let it play out for a bit before deciding the talk that happened yesterday had to happen.

We met up for a beer (yes, the irony), caught up on 2 weeks of life and then jointly decided it wasn’t right. I was honest and told him I felt like he just wasn’t that into me anymore (which is fine, I mean honestly, I am far from perfect), and I also told him I thought it had something to do with him being too young. I don’t think he loved that comment, and I didn’t intend it to be mean, just true. I did tell him by young I didn't necessarily mean age, but more where he is in life; building up his career (I've been working on mine for 10 years and am considering a change) as well as his current living situation, with several roommates (he plans to get his own place in October, but that will be his first time living alone). He said he wasn’t sure he was ready for anything serious, despite being the one that took it there (he decided to meet my family, and I gave him many outs- and hoped he would take them when he didn’t). All in all, he’s a nice guy, we had fun, but it wasn’t going anywhere, so it’s time to move on. We did agree to continue being facebook friends, for now….and like I said, I do like him and it’s too bad it didn’t work out, but c’est la vie right?

So, hmmmm, what’s next? I have a bit of a crazy work schedule right now, and I wish I could take a week off and just sleep. Back to reality; there have been a few ‘suitors’ that have persistently been telling me that I need to get rid of a boyfriend that pays me no attention so they can show me how good they will treat me. Perhaps it is time to take them up on that offer, I could use a little pampering after a “boyfriend” that was MIA most of the time.

Look forward to updating you on my new adventures,

PS- thanks so much to the Beckers for your kind and supportive messages! Love you ladies :)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back Monica! Oh, the adventures we will have...
