
Monday, April 19, 2010

More intro's...

So I suppose it’s time for the rest of us to come forward and make our introductions. Hi, I’m Pamela, or if you’d rather, Pam. Just don’t call me Pammy – I’m not from the 80’s and I don’t wear scrunchies in my hair. Any more.

It’s Sunday night and the full force of the past busy few days are starting to catch up with me. I’m wiped, but it was well worth it. Four nights out drinking in a row… two nights in a row of entertaining late night guests… but who’s counting? Okay, fine we are.

As Monica mentioned earlier, the FC game on Thursday was a great way to kick off the season. The seats were stellar, the crowd was wild, and the drink service was excellent. Toronto winning the game was cause for celebration, so once Victoria wrapped things up with the dude that we are referring to as Kanye (this is her story to tell, not mine so I’ll move on) her and I took it to the streets to look for the after party. Brazen Head’s line up wasn’t budging, so we hopped in a cab and took the party to Cabin Five. Although it wasn’t busy, great dance music and lots of dance floor so we stayed and had a great time. Having been out the night before for a few drinks, knowing that we had an early start in the morning and a busy night to follow at Grace O’Malley’s with the rest of the SOS’ers, we decided to do the responsible thing and make our way home. But somehow on the way home Croc Rock distracted us so in we went. More drinks, more dancing, and some conversation later turned into Victoria and I saying good night and me walking home with a rather tall Australian dude (“The Giant”), because I think that it’s important to make visitors feel at home in our fine city. We popped into a bar for one last round for good measure and went on our merry way. Fast forward to a home run, me setting my alarm for 6 am for work and being quite vocal about how I have to get up early, but cabs can be easily flagged down on the next street over. Welcome to Canada, but don’t let the door hit ya.

Really Grace O’Malley’s was destined to be rowdy from the start. There were just so many of us. Not all of the girls are fans of the venue which is okay, but I love it there. The music and bands, the relaxed crowd, the cute men. The dance floor provided me with a rather attractive fellow from out of town who was there with a bachelor party – he wasn’t THE bachelor, I checked. I wasn’t about to roll the dice and chance turning my back on him to try and find him later, so I quickly deeked out of eyeline of the cute Swiss gentleman who struck up a conversation by saying that he had seen me out at Croc Rock the night before (side note: $hit. I don’t remember seeing him there. I would definitely have traded him for the Auzzie. Lesson learned guys – it doesn’t pay to be a wall flower. Grow a set.) and settled in for some quality time with a gentleman that we now refer to as **Karl. Karl was hot. Turns out Karl was also 42. Karl didn’t look a day over 33 and I gather spends lots of time at the gym much to my delight. I liked Karl. Shame that I lost his number somewhere in between when I took him out to the street at 5 am to get a cab and the next afternoon when I remembered I had it. Or turns out, lost it. But it’s all good, even though I would have quite enjoyed recycling with him, it’s still early in the season.

*It’s actually not his name. I had either missed the window of opportunity to get his name or I forgot it, but either way I had to call Monica over and ask her to introduce herself so that she could relay it to met. In the end I heard wrong (loud venues can be a double edge sword – takes the edge off the slurring but you can get your facts mixed up), and even got clarification later on in the cab from him if it was spelt with a C or a K. It wasn’t until the next day when Monica texted me for a status update and upon my reply that Karl had come home with me, and was met with a “what the hell happened to that cutie insert real name?!?”, that I realized I had it wrong. Ooopsie.

I’ll close with some highlights from the past couple days, followed by some Learning Points. What you thought this was just all trashy no classy? That’s where you’re wrong, this is a highly sophisticated social experiment. Very scientific stuff.

A Few Highlights:

- Karl and I walking to my place after the bar, and while making a last minute decision to hop on the street car rather than walk since it was freezing, hearing my purse buzz and remembering that I had Gwen’s cell phone. Turn around at that exact moment to make eye contact with a passenger in the back of a cab stopped at a light, who turns out to be Gwen heading to the same destination. Scoot the hell over we’re getting in!

- Upon getting home with Karl remembering that I had stripped my bedding before I left that very evening after entertaining The Giant the night before, and didn’t have the time to replace the linen. Super classy, a bed with no sheets. Shall I just remove the light fixtures and have them dangle from wires? As soon as Karl went to the washroom I rushed Gwen into my room to quickly help me do a quick clean sweep since it was in a little disarray after a particularly busy week at work (and play) and we were ramming things into my closet. We decided that there just wasn’t time to put sheets on the bed. Him walking into a bedroom with the two of us in it would have just put out some promises that we weren’t prepared to fill. And who wants to have to follow that?

- Finding a man’s sock on my bedroom floor, not sure who’s it was, and laughing to myself picturing someone leaving with only one sock on. Was I really that quick to turn them out?

Learning Points:

- Ready-made Kettle Corn is an excellent choice for an after the bar snack, covering all bases by being both salty and sweet, while providing dietary fiber. Mental note to keep a bag handy.

- It’s worth the two-minutes to fill up and plug in the humidifier before you’re off to sleep, taking that extra effort to do what you can for tired and booze-induced dehydrated skin. It’s far too early in the season to slip and get haggard, little things count.

- And finally, never underestimate the power of a good cocktail for putting a little freshness in your step.

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