
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Doing the Queen West Scene

First night of S.O.S off to a great start! Unfortunately, Cassie and Victoria didn't make it out last for the first night. What a bummer. And we're really not sure why - their details and excuses...kinda shady to be honest. And for that, we're starting to tell people that they might be Lezzies. Brooke helped us kick off the night at Monica's place with some burnt burgers and a good few belches, and a revelation that a threesome might be brewing between her and a co=worker and his wife. She didn't make it out the bar though because she decided to go for the sure thing and do some 'recycling' last night... But, we still made sure S.O.S night was a success:

#1. Only a little ditty from MJ (Michael Jackson) can get Monica to dance for a cabbie in the middle of the street! Check.

#2. Alex taking a mean spill in the middle of the bar after trying to find the S.O.S. chaperone for the night. Check!

#3. Monica volunteering Chelsea to a male acquaintance - in need of a little "how's your faaaather" - as being "oh yeh, she'll be down for a one-night stand". Check. What a great S.O.S. sister!

#4. Alex pickin' out a used ciggie butt from the bon-fire pit on the Drake Hotel patio, smokin' it, thinking it was Monica's leftover. And this makes it okay, why? Check. (P.S. Alex doesn't smoke.)

#5. Gwen went for a double-header last night at the same time, and at the same bar. Way to go Gwen. What a champ. I think she might be some strong competish for the rest of the ladies! (Pam was her dancing side-kick at this point, so lawrd knows what she was up to while Gwen was takin' care of biz?!)

#6. And, we'll end off the night with a story from good old Chelsea. Oh Chelsea, where do we begin? She's just gettin' back in the game, so ya can't fault the poor girl for trying. HOWEVER, here's the top 3 things NOT TO SAY when trying to pick up a new guy (Gemma's cat-like reflexes came out after jerking to catch her heavenly poutine, which LEAPED out of her hands after reacting to the hilarity of the following):

- "OH hey, you remind me so much of this guy I dated in college!"

- "Oh, my dad is gonna love you!"

- "Wow, we're gonna have so much fun together..."

We'll just leave you with those words of wisdom. There's not much else to say at this point.

Gemma, Chelsea and Monica


  1. Hot off the press: Brooke would like to know.."Do I get bonus points for getting my asshole licked?" We're taking a poll to make a final decision, so feedback's is appreciated.

  2. I say points would depned upon how far the tongue penetrated the asshole. was it around the rim? a slam dunk? a tickler?

  3. It was a tickler! Even if the consensus is no points I consider myself a winner on this one!!! ~Brooke
